Monday 24 July 2023

Nature-Inspired Moss Agate Engagement Rings We Can't Stop Staring At

While diamonds are classic and sophisticated, if you’re looking for custom engagement rings in Fayetteville, NC, that are nature-inspired, unique, and elegant, moss agate stones are the ideal choice for you.


Moss agate is reminiscent of the seaweed floating on the waves and makes a beautiful choice for outdoorsy couples. They come in a range of shades from light to dark green and being versatile pair beautifully with a variety of metals, settings, styles, and gemstones to suit your needs.


Reasons to love moss agate stones

One of the main reasons why a lot of brides tend to prefer moss agate diamond jewelry in Fayetteville, NC is that this gemstone is quite affordable making it ideal for couples on a budget.


Each moss agate gemstone is unique and no two are the same, this makes it a lovely choice for your big day. While moss agate stones are affordable this all depends on the type of metal and setting you choose and it can range from cost-effective to high-end.


Just keep in mind that unlike a diamond pendant in Fayetteville, NC, moss agate stones are a tad fragile and if handled roughly they can break or chip.


While this gemstone looks lovely when set in any metal, rose gold brings out the pink and green hues and makes your gemstone pop. You can also set your center stone with smaller side emeralds for a pop of color and class.


Caring for your ring is essential. You need to take your piece to a professional to clean, repair and maintain it so that it looks new and shiny for years to come.


Wrapping Up

Since moss agate is rare, most mainstream stores won’t sell it. You will need to do your research and look for stores that keep rare and valuable gemstones.