Monday 24 May 2021

Tips to Help You Find the Ideal Engagement Ring


Is it about time to start ring shopping? Buying an engagement ring and gearing up for a proposal is a crazy exciting time and usually a huge investment so you want to make sure you do it right.

Whether you’re scouting out rings as a couple or heading out solo to shop for your diamond engagement ring in Fayetteville, NC, here are a couple of tips to finding the perfect ring for your loved one.

Narrow down on the shape and cut you want

If you know what your significant other wants in terms of diamond shape then that will help you pick the right engagement ring. Every shape is priced differently and has a different rate per carat, round cuts are more expensive as compared to marquise or pear cuts.

You can also choose a classic cut and pick the gemstones in Fayetteville, NC, you want and always do your research before heading out to a jewelry store as well as have a couple of cuts, carats, and stones in mind.

Always buy certified

When buying an engagement ring, remember that it is an expensive purchase so take your time to shop smartly. Just like purchasing a diamond pendant in Fayetteville, NC, when you finally find the engagement ring you like, ensure that you buy a certified stone from an accredited jeweler.

To Sum It Up

Engagement rings can be costly. So, besides doing your research, ensure that you find a good jewelry store that will help you find the ideal ring within your budget and get you the best quality that works for your needs.

Saturday 22 May 2021

3 Things You May Not Know About Jewelry Repair


Jewelry repair can be a confusing thing, especially if you don’t know much about how it is done or when you need to do it. When considering jewelry store in Fayetteville, NC, go for an expert jeweler who has the know-how, right tools, and skill to provide you with professional service you won’t find anywhere else.

Here are a couple more things you need to know about jewelry repair.

Jewelry should be repaired and maintained often

Just like with the dentist, regular cleaning and repair can ensure that your jewelry will last for years to come. Your jeweler can look for potential long-term problems like loose stones, worn prongs, thinning bands, or even a dull appearance.

Remember, your jeweler will not only repair your diamond jewelry in Fayetteville, NC but also keep it clean and shiny allowing you to wear it with confidence for years to come.

Proper jewelry storage is your friend

The first step is figuring out storage options for your jewelry to help elongate the life of your pieces and limit your need for jewelry cleaning. For example, silver jewelry pieces will tarnish over the years due to oxidation so it makes sense to store them in an airtight container.

You also need to keep certain gemstone rings and necklaces separate so they don’t get scratched or even a plate to store it in when you sleep, clean, or shower. Your jewelry requires rebuffing and cleaning every once in a while, so take it to a professional.

Soap, water, and a microfiber cloth work wonder

Besides taking your pieces to a jewelry repair in Fayetteville, NC to get cleaned, some stones can be maintained at home between cleanings. For most precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum polishing it with a soft cloth can actually bring back their shine.

If your jewelry pieces are dirty and set with hard stones like diamonds or sapphires, you can clean them with some gentle soap, warm water, and a clean new toothbrush to see their shimmer return. You can do this between cleanings to ensure your pieces stay perfect.

In Conclusion

These are some of the things you should know about jewelry repair. Bopie’s is the go-to jewelry store for seamless jewelry repair as well as unique, high-quality fine jewelry as well as high-end bridal, exquisite gemstones, and one-of-a-kind fashion jewelry. Each piece is custom designed and no found anywhere else