Thursday 31 October 2019

Low grade porous stones need impregnation for stability

Buying quality gemstones is the most important aspect of precious stone jewelry. Researching and understanding the various factors that affect the quality of the stone is the first step towards purchasing a high-grade stone.

If one is buying a treated diamond, it is advisable to choose an HPHT treated stone, as these are the most resilient and require no extra care for them to last. Other gemstones in Fayetteville, NC, go through other types of treatments, such as a porous stone undergoing impregnation to make it more stable and also to influence the color of the stone. The best example of a porous treated stone is turquoise. Turquoise turns brilliant blue after being treated with heat. Many choose to fill low-grade turquoise with a polymer, wax or plastic, making it significantly more durable than before.

Impregnation treatments
There are many common stones that are impregnated with substance to make it more durable than before. Some of the stones that are commonly put through this treatment are turquoise, lapis lazuli, jadeite, nephrite, amazonite, rhodochrosite, and serpentine. A lot of these are uncommon stones that most do not hear about.

Unfortunately, as impregnation means that the quality of the stones is not very high, it is necessary to ensure that you are purchasing certified stones that have been graded for quality and genuinely when choosing for custom design jewelry in Fayetteville, NC.

Not all treatments for low-quality stones and HPTP treated diamonds are done simply to enhance the color for the stones. Therefore, if you are looking for quality and affordability for diamond jewelry in Fayetteville, NC, choosing quality diamonds that are declared suitable for treatments should be the option that you select.